After completing the discipline-specific course requirements for the major (noted above), students will follow the MAT course sequence for either the Integrated Master’s Bridge Plan (Option 1) or the 4+1 Plan (Option 2). At this point, they will begin graduate level courses via the MAT program. There are 36 total credit hours in the MAT program. The MAT course sequence for both options is listed below.*
*The MAT Bridge courses for the Physical Education/Health Education track are slightly different than the standard bridge courses described in this section. Instead of EDU 616, students will take HES 605 and instead of EDU 623, students will take EDU 606. All other MATbound students follow the course sequence below.
Option #1: Integrated Master’s Bridge Plan Course Sequence
Courses listed below will be taken during year 4 of undergraduate coursework and will be offered in a blended face-to-face/online format or fully online.
Option #2: 4 + 1 Plan Course Sequence
The MAT course sequence for the 4+1 Plan is the same as above. The only difference is that the first 12 hours of MAT coursework will be taken during the Summer following graduation. The 12 hours of coursework that will be completed during the summer following graduation include EDU 615, 616, 618, and 623.