Mar 31, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission Policies - Undergraduate

Division of Enrollment Management

The Division of Enrollment Management partners with the University community to attract, admit, enroll, retain, and graduate qualified students through a comprehensive enrollment management strategy with commitment to exceptional service.

Office of Undergraduate Admission

The mission of the Office of Undergraduate Admission is to identify, admit, and enroll motivated and qualified students who are committed to academic excellence, leadership, and a desire to develop as a whole person. This office coordinates the recruitment and selection of undergraduate and graduate students, and provides information that will help make prospective students and their support groups aware of Lenoir-Rhyne and its offerings.

Lenoir-Rhyne University admits qualified students in all programs regardless of gender, race, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation or veteran status. In order to be considered for admission to Lenoir-Rhyne University, application must be made through the Division of Enrollment Management. Applications are accepted on as follows: For Fall Semester beginning August 1 and then on a rolling basis for all other semesters. The priority deadline for First Year Applications is October 15. The Early Deadline is November 12. Applications are on the University website at

*Please refer to the graduate section of this catalog for information regarding admission to the Graduate School.

First-Year Students

The Office of Admission of Lenoir-Rhyne University reviews the secondary record in order to evaluate applicants who will be successful here. The secondary record includes the high school transcript and standardized test scores. Of importance to selection is the number and level of academic courses taken in high school, as well as the performance in these classes. We are also interested in service, leadership, and other extracurricular activities in which students have participated. Students who are home schooled are welcome to apply.

Applicants will be considered for admission to the first-year upon meeting the requirements specified below. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the following information:

  1. A completed, accurate application for undergraduate admission and a non-refundable $35 application fee
  2. Official proof of High school diploma or equivalent*
  3. Official high school transcript
  4. SAT/ACT score report (if score is not included on official transcript)**
  5. Lenoir-Rhyne University’s CEEB (SAT) code is 5365; ACT code is 3118
  6. Satisfactory completion of required coursework (see below)
  7. Official college transcript(s) if any college work has been attempted, even if course(s) are listed on high school transcript

*Prospective students may be admitted based on unofficial transcripts and/or as courses are in progress, however a final transcript must be received prior to a student enrolling at Lenoir-Rhyne.

**LR is now test optional; ACT or SAT scores are not required for admission to the university. Self-reported or a screenshot of ACT/SAT scores, with your name visible, can be submitted.  

Minimum Course Requirements

  • Four Units of English
  • Two Units of a Language other than English
  • Three Units of Mathematics including Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry
  • One Unit of a Laboratory Science
  • One Unit of American History
  • One Unit of Chemistry preferred for students planning to major in Nursing

Upon receipt of the items above, an application will be reviewed and an admissions decision made. Neither high school grade point average nor test score has an absolute minimum requirement. It is the combination of factors that is important. Any offer of admission is contingent upon receipt of a final transcript confirming satisfactory completion of the high school diploma (or equivalent).

The University may grant admission to outstanding students who have not completed four years of high school work. Students should apply for early admission only if they have an excellent high school record, supportive SAT or ACT scores, and the endorsement of their parents and their high school. An interview may be required for early admission applicants.

Transfer Students

A transfer is a student who has obtained a high school diploma (or equivalent) and has been enrolled at any college/university for one or more semesters following high school graduation. The Office of Admission reviews the college record in order to evaluate transfer applicants who will be successful here. Of importance to selection is the number and level of academic courses taken in college, as well as the performance in these classes. The University is also interested in service, leadership, and other extracurricular activities in which students have participated. Applicants must be in good social and academic standing at their previous institution(s).

Transfer applicants will be considered for admission upon meeting the requirements specified below. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the following:

  1. A completed, accurate application for undergraduate admission and a non-refundable $35 application fee
  2. Official transcripts from each college or university attended*
  3. Dean’s reference form from each college or university attended**
  4. An official high school transcript and Official SAT or ACT scores if 30 or fewer semester or 45 quarter hours have been attempted.***

Note: Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree and wish to pursue a second one are welcome to apply to Lenoir-Rhyne University.

*Prospective students may be admitted based on unofficial transcripts and/or as courses in progress, however a final transcript must be received prior to a student enrolling at Lenoir-Rhyne.

**Prospective students may be admitted without a Dean’s Reference Form (unless applying to the Nursing Program), however a completed Dean’s Reference Form from each college attended prior to applying to LR must be received prior to a student enrolling at Lenoir-Rhyne.

***LR is now test optional; ACT or SAT scores are not required for admission to the university. Self-reported or a screenshot of ACT/SAT scores, with your name visible, can be submitted.

Transfer of Credit

An official evaluation of credit, completed by the Registrar’s Office, will follow admission and commitment to Lenoir-Rhyne University by submission of the Enrollment Deposit. Courses taken at a regionally accredited College/University in which a grade of ”C” or better has been earned may be transferred to Lenoir-Rhyne for credit. Course requirements may be fulfilled, but no credit will be awarded, with a grade of ”D” in the first of sequential course offerings, provided the student earned a grade of ”C” or higher in the following course and the first course is a prerequisite for the following course.

With special permission from the University Registrar, a student may transfer, as general elective credits, up to 6 hours of passing grades below the grade of “C” from another regionally accredited institution. These hours may be used only as general elective credits and will not satisfy any program or core curriculum requirements at Lenoir-Rhyne. Once a student matriculates and continues uninterrupted, no subsequent grade below a “C” completed at another institution may be transferred for credit.

Credit from an accredited junior or community college is limited to a maximum of 64 semester or 96 quarter hours. A maximum of 96 semester hours may be transferred from all institutions. As a minimum, the last 25% or 32 semester hours of major course work and two Level II courses (and capstone) must be completed at Lenoir-Rhyne. Exceptions to this rule are extremely rare and may be only granted by the University Provost or Registrar.

During the evaluation of transcripts from other institutions, special scrutiny will be given to credits earned more than ten years preceding the applicant’s transfer. The University reserves the right to reject such credit when, in the judgment of the University Registrar and the appropriate program faculty, the coverage and content of the particular course(s) has undergone substantive change. After a student has transferred, the grade point average is computed only on work attempted at Lenoir-Rhyne. Any transfer student may elect to transfer no credits from former institutions and take the total number of hours required for graduation at Lenoir-Rhyne University. A student who takes the total number of hours required for graduation at Lenoir-Rhyne University may elect to delete all credits from former institutions at any time prior to graduation.

Students who have earned an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree from a North Carolina Community College may transfer the AA/AS/AFA degree to Lenoir-Rhyne to be used in place of the University’s core courses with the exception of the LR Orientation course (LRU 101 /LRU 102 ), REL 100 , COM 111 , six credits of foreign language and the core’s level two courses and capstone experience. Level two core courses and the capstone experience must be completed at Lenoir-Rhyne; there are no transfer equivalencies for these courses. Note that some programs at Lenoir-Rhyne require specific technical requirements; these will be evaluated on a course by course basis and are not covered under the articulation agreement with the AA/AS/AFA transfer policy.

Students who have earned an Associate of Arts/Science/Fine Arts degree outside of North Carolina are not subject to the agreement outlined above. A course by course evaluation will be conducted by the Registrar’s Office to determine if the AA/AS/AFA degree satisfies the essence of the Lenoir-Rhyne core curriculum and which, if any, core courses will remain as part of the student’s curriculum at Lenoir-Rhyne. These same rules apply to any student who transfers to Lenoir-Rhyne having previously earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution.

Lenoir-Rhyne has also partnered with local community colleges to create specific articulation agreements with specified Associate of Applied Science programs (i.e. Entrepreneurship, Exercise Science). Details of these articulation agreements are listed in the Special Programs  section of the University Catalog.

International Students

All international applicants must submit the following information:

  1. A completed, undergraduate application and a non-refundable $35 (U.S.) application fee.
  2. Official transcripts for each college or university attended which have been translated into English and evaluated into a course-by-course report by an approved credential evaluation agency.
  3. Proof of English proficiency if the applicant’s native language is not English. The preferred method of proof is an official score report from the TOEFL (LR’s school code is 5365), IELTS, SAT (5365) or ACT (3118). Applicants must have a minimum TOEFL score of 550 on the paper-based version, 213 on the computer-based version, or 79 on the internet-based version. The minimum IELTS score is 6.5. The minimum SAT score is 480 on the evidence-based reading & writing section and a 17 average on the ACT reading & English tests. All student-athletes must provide SAT or ACT results.

Note that the following would also be accepted to verify English language proficiency of the applicant:

  • Completion of a college-level English composition or other reading intensive courses with a “B” or equivalent at a regionally accredited U.S. college or university or a non U.S. college or university where instruction is in English;
  • An official transcript showing completion of an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or a higher degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university or a non U.S. college or university where instruction is in English.

If an applicant does not meet the above minimum English proficiency criteria, the following options are available to the applicant:

  • Take the iTEP English proficiency exam which is administered by Lenoir-Rhyne’s partner program, the American Language Academy (, and attain a minimum score of 3.9;
  • Enroll in and complete an accredited English language program, such as the American Language Academy Program, prior to attending LRU. The student will be recognized as English proficient after completion of level 5 of the American Language Academy program. Other accredited English Language Proficiency Programs will be accepted as well, as long as the student completes through the certified level deemed English proficient.

If an applicant does not meet any of the minimum criteria above, s/he may request an appeal and if granted may participate in a WebEx or Skype interview to be used as an additional evaluation tool to determine English proficiency. Please note that the findings of this interview will be used in conjunction with all other above materials.

  1. A completed Certificate of Finance certified by a bank official, attorney, or notary public.

International Undergraduate Enrollment Guidelines

  1. An offer of admission, if applicable, will be sent via email.
  2. To confirm enrollment, the applicant will submit the enrollment deposit. This enrollment deposit may be paid online and will be applied to tuition.
  3. An I-20 form will be forwarded to the deposited student.

Adult Learners

The Adult Learners program (formerly known as the Lifelong Learning program) at Lenoir-Rhyne University is designed to serve the needs of area adult and/or non-traditional students who because of other life responsibilities need to progress at a pace consistent with these obligations. Adult Learner students at Lenoir-Rhyne are students who require evening or more conveniently scheduled courses, although they may select classes at any time during the day.

Adult Learners will be considered for admission upon meeting the requirements specified below. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the following:

  1. A completed, accurate application for undergraduate admission and a non-refundable $35 application fee
  2. Official transcripts from each college or university attended
  3. An official high school transcript and official SAT or ACT scores if less than 30 semester or 45 quarter hours have been attempted
  4. Other admissions requirements including resume and dean’s reference forms
  5. Proof of eligibility to be considered for the Adult Learners program. Candidates must be at least eight years removed from high school graduation (or 26 years of age).

All students admitted to the Gateway Nursing Program (RN to BSN program) will be classified as Adult Learner students. Due to the nature of this program, exceptions to the admission criteria may be necessary, however, once enrolled, students are expected to adhere to the parameters of the Adult Learners program.

Students who begin at Lenoir-Rhyne classified as traditional students and continue uninterrupted may not change their classification to Adult Learner. Adult Learner students are charged tuition at a discounted rate and are therefore not eligible for any additional institutional scholarships (except Sacred Music and/or athletic scholarships).

Re-Entry Students

Students in good standing who are re-entering after a one semester absence do not have to reapply for admission provided they have not attended another college or university during that time. Inquiries regarding re-entering after one semester should be addressed to the Enrollment Services Center.

Re-entering students in good standing, absent from the University for more than two semesters, must reapply and meet the requirements as outlined in the catalog at the time of their readmission. All transcripts of work completed at other institutions must be submitted with the application.

After satisfactory completion of the requirements outlined in the official letter of Suspension, students desiring to continue study following a period of academic or judicial suspension will be considered for admission upon meeting the requirements specified below. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the following:

  1. A completed, accurate application for undergraduate admission (no application fee is required)
  2. If courses were taken at another college or university during the time of suspension, official transcripts from each college or university attended must be provided
  3. A personal statement detailing what they have done during their time away and describing how they plan to be successful at Lenoir-Rhyne if they are allowed to return.

Students who wish to reapply to the University following Academic or Judicial suspension should contact the Transfer Enrollment Counselor in the Office of Admission for more information regarding the readmission process.

Re-Entry for Military Service Students

Students who are required to fulfill active military service obligations during a period of enrollment should notify the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible. Students who will be in service for less than 30 consecutive days will not be academically penalized or withdrawn from courses unless the student makes this specific request. Faculty members will coordinate efforts with the student either during their deployment or upon their immediate return to make up any missing course requirements.

Students who are required to fulfill active military service obligations which require them to cease enrollment more than 30 consecutive days are not required to reapply to the University and may return with the same academic status. Students should inform the Office of the Registrar of their deployment and expected date of return as soon as possible and will work with the Enrollment Services Center to enroll in courses for the next available term.

Confirmation of Enrollment

Payment of an enrollment deposit confirms the acceptance of an offer of admission. Enrollment deposits are required prior to being registered for classes and/or to be assigned to any residency on campus. Enrollment deposit amounts vary by population, degree program and campus. Please refer to your Acceptance Letter for current fee or contact your Enrollment Counselor for more information. Enrollment deposits for the fall and summer terms are refundable only if requests are received in writing before May 1st. For the spring term, enrollment deposits are refundable if written requests are received before December 1st. Questions/concerns regarding enrollment deposits/fees should be directed to the Office of Admission; 1-800-277-5721 / 828.328.7300 or

Deferred Enrollment

Students who have been accepted and/or have paid an enrollment deposit for any degree-seeking program may defer enrollment for up to one academic year from their original year of acceptance. The Division of Enrollment Management must be notified of the student’s wish to defer admission prior to the start of the original term for which the student applied. Note that deferred admission to specific programs (i.e. Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Athletic Training, Medical Studies/Physician Assistant, etc.) may not be optional and is at the discretion of the respective program. Students wishing to defer admission to specific program should consult with their Enrollment Counselor and/or a department representative for information regarding deferred enrollment. Enrollment deposits deferred to a future term are non-refundable.

High School Scholars Academy

The Lenoir-Rhyne University High School Scholars Academy (HSSA) is designed for high school students who seek an alternative opportunity for a full-time on-campus experience. Students will enroll in required high school English courses taught on Lenoir-Rhyne’s campus plus three college courses in the fall and three more in the spring. Students are expected to attend for the full year.

The High School Scholars Academy is limited to 60 spaces for each academic year. First preference for admission will be given to students enrolled in the Catawba County, Hickory Public, or Newton-Conover school systems. If there are still spaces remaining, applicants from private schools, home schools and other school systems will be considered. A waiting list will be established once the first 60 slots are filled.

High school students will be considered for admission to the High School Scholars Academy upon meeting the requirements specified below. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the following:

  1. A completed, accurate HSSA application
  2. Official high school transcript
  3. Official SAT/ACT score report (if score is not included on official transcript) Lenoir-Rhyne University’s CEEB (SAT) code is 5365; ACT code is 3118*
  4. Satisfactory completion of required coursework
  5. Official college transcript(s) if any college work has been attempted, even if course(s) are listed on high school transcript
  6. Teacher and counselor recommendations as required on the student’s application portal.

*LR is now test optional; ACT or SAT scores are not required for admission to the university. Self-reported or a screenshot of ACT/SAT scores, with your name visible, can be submitted.  

High School Enrichment

Outstanding high school students may enroll in courses at Lenoir-Rhyne University while still in high school. The University permits this arrangement for students who will be at least 16 years old on or before August 31 of the year in which enrollment is desired, and classified as a junior at their high school. High School Enrichment students may take two undergraduate courses per term at Lenoir-Rhyne pending availability. Students will be expected and required to provide their own transportation to and from Lenoir-Rhyne’s campus.

High school students will be considered for admission to the High School Enrichment program upon meeting the requirements specified below. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the following:

  1. A completed, accurate High School Enrichment application
  2. Official high school transcript with proof of a minimum GPA of 3.0
  3. Official SAT/ACT/PSAT/PLAN score report (if score is not included on official transcript). Lenoir-Rhyne University’s CEEB (SAT) code is 5365; ACT code is 3118*
  4. Completed high school enrichment contract
  5. Approval of participation by the administration of the student’s high school
  6. Teacher and counselor recommendations as required on the student’s application portal.

* LR is now test optional; ACT or SAT scores are not required for admission to the university. Self-reported or a screenshot of ACT/SAT scores, with your name visible, can be submitted.  

Non-Degree Students

This classification is for individuals who generally never plan to obtain a degree from Lenoir-Rhyne University. Non-degree students may take a maximum of 12 undergraduate-level credit hours per semester. Admission as a non-degree student is granted on a semester-by-semester basis and is only permissible when space is available. While a student may not be required to submit an additional application for subsequent semesters (depending on the length of time between enrollment), permission to enroll in more than one semester under this status must be pre-approved. Students seeking enrollment for multiple semesters should contact the Division of Enrollment Management for current policies and procedures. Non-degree students will be considered for admission upon meeting the requirements listed below.

It is the student’s responsibility to submit the following:

  1. A completed Non-Degree Seeking student application
  2. $50 non-refundable deposit/processing fee
  3. Unofficial transcripts for students taking courses with prerequisites

Because this classification is designed for students taking courses purely for their edification, academic advisors are not assigned. Applicants who are under current suspension from Lenoir-Rhyne, or who were denied admission as degree-seeking first year, transfer, or graduate students are not eligible for non-degree status.

*Note: students seeking entry to graduate-level courses as a non-degree student should refer to this section in the Graduate School section of the Catalog.