Feb 07, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021 
Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life and Services

Lenoir-Rhyne University offers students a wide variety of curricular and co-curricular opportunities for realizing their personal growth and learning goals. Students are encouraged to view their college years as a time to develop their unique talents through a holistic approach which includes an appropriate balance of curricular and co-curricular activities. The Office of Student Life assists students in their personal development through a number of services that help them make better use of their decision making skills and foster growth and self-understanding. Offices found within Student Life include Residence Life, Intramurals, Co-curricular Programs, Student Activities, The Lohr Learning Commons, Career and Professional Development, Personal Counseling, Disability Services, and the Student Health Center (Hickory Campus Only.)

Through the Office of Student Life, a conscious effort is made to provide many types of academic, social and spiritual opportunity necessary to meet the individual needs that exist among all facets of the student body. Lenoir-Rhyne University seeks to maintain an environment in which students may experience acceptance as unique individuals and an environment consistent with the educational, cultural, and social values of the University.

Office of Student Life

Career and Professional Development Center

The Alex Lee Career and Professional Development Center is located on the second floor of the Rudisill Library. The services provided are designed to empower Lenoir-Rhyne students and alumni in maximizing their potential for career and professional success - both in college and beyond. This includes, but is not limited to, providing: assessments for increased self-awareness and confidence; career counseling for clarification of values, interests and abilities; assistance with career exploration activities such as choosing a major, shadowing, on-campus involvement and internships; coaching regarding resume building, interview skills, job search strategies, networking and the graduate school application process. Methods of support include individual counseling and coaching, class visits and on and off-campus career fairs.

Community Service

The University encourages and recognizes students who become involved in volunteerism and service to the community outside of Lenoir-Rhyne University. Students interested in participating in volunteer programs and activities should contact the Career and Community Relations Coordinator in the Alex Lee Career and Professional Development Center.

Disability Services

Students with disabilities may request disability related accommodations in classes, and other University programs, from the Disability Services Office (located in the Cornerstone House). It is the responsibility of the student with a disability to request accommodations and to provide appropriate documentation of the impairment to the Director of Disability Services. After a request for an accommodation has been made, the documentation and the request will be carefully reviewed. If there is insufficient information within the student’s documentation to support the request, the Director will request the additional material. All decisions regarding disability-related accommodations are made on a case-by-case basis, after taking into consideration the type and severity of the individual’s disability and the impact of the accommodation on the institution’s policies and programs.

All disability-related documentation must be from a qualified professional, clearly state a diagnosis and illustrate the current functional limitations of the disabling condition and how the limitation will affect the individual in an educational setting. Complete documentation guidelines are available on the Disability Services Office website at http://www.lr.edu/student-life/cornerstone

The purpose of providing disability related accommodations is to ensure qualified students with disabilities have equal access to University programs and are afforded an equal educational opportunity as deemed appropriate under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Provision of disability-related services is not a guarantee of success, and the University cannot guarantee that accommodations will result in the same outcome that is obtained by any other student or participant in a University program.

Disability-related documentation is maintained in a confidential manner. If specific information about a student’s disability needs to be revealed to coordinate a service or accommodation, the Director will obtain the student’s permission prior to divulging any confidential information.
Depending on the nature and type of disability, examples of accommodations include:

  • Extended testing time
  • Assistance in coordinating note takers for classes
  • Assistance in obtaining text books on audiocassette/CD
  • Relocation of classes/activities for students with physical disabilities

For students with physical disabilities who wish to reside on campus, there are accessible residence hall rooms available. For more information about disability related housing accommodations, please contact the Director of Disability Services or the Director of Residence Life at 828-328-7249.

While Lenoir-Rhyne will make reasonable accommodations in policies, procedures and programs for students with disabilities, the University does not provide personal assistance services (such as personal attendants), personal devices (such as wheelchairs or shower stools) or prescriptive devices (such as eye glasses or hearing aids). Additionally, class attendance is not determined by the Disability Services Office. The course instructor determines the attendance policy for each course and it is listed in the course syllabus. Should issues regarding class attendance arise, students are encouraged to make an appointment with the instructor as quickly as possible to address the issues.

Contact the Disability Services Office at 828-328-7296 for additional information or to establish services.

Grievance Policy and Procedures

Lenoir-Rhyne University takes seriously the concerns and grievances of its students. LRU will provide a prompt response to all written complaints, including those complaints alleging discrimination or harassment based on race, age, religion, physical or emotional disability, or sex (which includes gender discrimination, sexual orientation, sexual harassment and sexual violence). LRU will work to resolve grievances as quickly as possible through the appropriate means, whether that be through informal resolution or through our Student Conduct Council, Committee on Equity, or through the Sexual Misconduct Policy; however, the time period for resolution will depend largely on the nature of the grievance and the response required. It is the goal of LRU that written grievances will be resolved within a period not to exceed 60 days; however, the time period for resolving grievances will depend largely on the facts and circumstances at issue and may be expanded where necessary and appropriate to reach a resolution.

For more information on academic integrity policies and procedures, please refer to The Cub, online at http://www.lr.edu/student-life/student-handbook or the University Catalog. All such matters will be handled in accordance with those policies and procedures.

Health Services

The Student Health Center (SHC), located in the Cornerstone House in Hickory, provides services to help undergraduate students reach optimum wellness. This is done through two modes:

  • Wellness Management focuses on healthy lifestyle choices, and
  • Illness and Injury Management focuses on acute illnesses and injury.

A registered nurse practitioner is available Monday through Friday for consultation to promote healthy lifestyle choices and evaluation of illnesses or injury. Services through the SHC are available to all undergraduate students. Graduate students will be seen only on an emergency basis.

NOTE: Students are financially responsible for medical treatments that are received off campus. Lenoir-Rhyne University has many healthcare treatment partners in the community. The Nurse Practitioner at the SHC will make referrals to off-campus healthcare services as needed.

All students who plan to use the student health center are required to have a medical health record on file at the center. Failure to comply may void use of services.

The SHC is open during posted hours only (https://www.lr.edu/student-life/cornerstone). The SHC is closed on weekends, school breaks, holidays and summer break.


All Lenoir-Rhyne University students must adhere to immunization laws which apply to their respective campuses. Specifically for the Hickory campus, all undergraduate and graduate residential students, full-time commuter day students, and part-time commuter day students taking more than 4 credit hours must have the required immunizations on file at the Lenoir-Rhyne University Student Health Service (SHC). Records must be on file before registration takes place OR according to NC Law (G.S. 130A-155.1) you will be withdrawn from classes without credit. Registration for classes will be delayed if immunization records are not current.

Required immunizations are listed on the Lenoir-Rhyne University Student Health Record, which is available online at http://www.lr.edu/student-life/cornerstone in the Student Health Center. Additional vaccines or titers may be required by particular health related majors. Please consult the specific academic schools for their requirements.

Acceptable record of your immunizations may be requested and obtained from a variety of sources, including: some high school transcripts, family physician, personal immunization records, military records or World Health Organization documents, or previous college or university. Immunization records do not automatically transfer from previous educational institutions and must be requested by the student. All immunization records must include dates of vaccine administration, be in black ink, and include clinician signature or clinic stamp. Records will be questioned if dates do not meet NC Law (G.S. 130A-155.1) or FDA License Approval.

Questions regarding immunization requirements may be directed to the Director of Student Health Services at 828-328-7181.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Lenoir-Rhyne University has a strong, broadly based intercollegiate athletic program. Lenoir-Rhyne University teams are members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the South Atlantic Conference (SAC).

The University fields intercollegiate teams in football, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s soccer, volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s lacrosse, softball, baseball, men’s and women’s track and field, men’s and women’s tennis, men’s and women’s swimming, and men’s and women’s golf. Scholarship aid for deserving student-athletes is available in all sports.

Judicial System

Policies and regulations have been established at Lenoir-Rhyne University to support and encourage its educational mission. As elsewhere in society, these policies and regulations are founded on the mutually accepted concepts of freedom and responsibility and are based on the assumption that members of the Lenoir-Rhyne community are interdependent. It is each student’s duty to protect the rights of other students, to fulfill their educational objectives, and to maintain high standards of personal conduct. However, when a student’s conduct does not meet these standards, the University employs the Judicial System to redirect the behavior into acceptable patterns. The Judicial System seeks to protect the rights of the student while maintaining conduct which is acceptable for an academic community. Please see The Cub for more specifics at http://www.lr.edu/student-life/student-handbook

Leadership Development

The University recognizes that leadership development is an important component in the overall development of individuals. Programs are specially designed to enhance the discovery and utilization of students’ leadership styles. There are multiple opportunities for students to exercise leadership ability through campus organizations, classroom and volunteer experiences, spiritual settings, and clubs. Lenoir-Rhyne University endeavors to provide an enriching environment in which students may explore, discover, and develop their own potential for leadership and service within their communities.


Lenoir-Rhyne University has three libraries, one at each campus. The Carl A. Rudisill Library on the Hickory Campus (with satellite collections in the Mauney Music Library and Career and Professional Development Center) and the Lineberger Memorial Library on the Columbia Campus, provide a wealth of information resources and services to support student learning and development. The libraries provide spaces for quiet study, relaxed group collaboration, formal classroom instruction, accommodated testing, and focused research. Wireless network access is available throughout the buildings. Librarians work with students and faculty to assist in the development of information seeking and management skills that support academic success and lifelong learning. For more information, including hours of operation, please visit the library services web page: https://www.lr.edu/library

Lohr Learning Commons

The Lohr Learning Commons, on the Hickory campus, includes a variety of academic services, offices and resources that help undergraduate students reach their educational and academic goals. Conveniently located on the 2nd floor of the Carl A. Rudisill Library, the learning space includes: an open collaborative study area, individual study nooks, computer labs, writing center, math lab, speech preparation lab, peer tutoring, group tutoring spaces, community service and service learning office, the Office of International Education, the Alex Lee Career and Professional Development Center.

Multicultural Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Affairs at Lenoir-Rhyne University aspires to create a diverse community that welcomes people of different races, cultures, ages, genders, sexual orientations, religions, socioeconomic levels, political perspectives, abilities, opinions, values and experiences. Lenoir-Rhyne University will strive to reflect these differences in its decisions, curriculum, programs and actions. We will also strive to create an environment that brings out the best in all people that leads to positive contributions to the Lenoir-Rhyne community. The University will seek to ensure that underrepresented groups have equal access to the education and resource opportunities available at the University. Policy and procedures will create and sustain an inclusive and productive environment for faculty, staff and students.


More than 60 clubs, societies, and other organizations invite students, faculty, and staff to become involved in a variety of co-curricular activities. Additionally, Lenoir-Rhyne has eight nationally-affiliated fraternities and sororities. Lenoir-Rhyne University also hosts for the sake of our students a variety of religious and other activities which are recognized by and operate under the auspices of the University Pastor. Finally, sixteen honor societies recognize excellence in scholarship and curricular areas. Students interested in becoming involved in a club or organization should contact their student services office on their corresponding campus.


Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Hickory campus offers orientation programs for all incoming first year and transfer students in both the fall and spring semesters. These programs are designed to introduce new students to the University’s services, policies, key personnel, and to facilitate students’ transition into the Lenoir-Rhyne University community.

The New Student Advising and Registration Days are one-day events that take place in late spring and summer. First-Year students register for Fall semester classes during New Student Advising and Registration Days. All first-year students also participate in a three-day orientation program scheduled for the August weekend before fall classes begin. The New Student Advising and Registration Days, as well as Orientation, are also available for new transfer students. All students should receive information regarding their orientation session well before their first semester at Lenoir-Rhyne.

New graduate students on all three campuses (Hickory, Asheville, and Columbia) also participate in distinct orientation processes. These sessions provide new students with important information regarding their individual programs of study as well as information about the campus policies and procedures.

Personal Counseling

While students are in college they are continuing the developmental process of moving from adolescence into young adulthood. This can be a challenging and constantly changing time for a student, and as a result the counseling services strive to provide quality mental health treatment and support to students, in times of need. All full and part time undergraduate students enrolled in the university are eligible for counseling services. Enrolled graduate students on all campuses are eligible for basic intake services; however, face-to-face counseling is somewhat limited due to travel to and from the different campuses. Students may choose to request a referral to a local provider at the student’s expense. Services provided may include individual, couples, and group counseling. Resource information regarding services provided in the community are also available through counseling services, as well as referrals to area psychiatrists and specialized mental health providers.

Counselors as well as other appropriate staff or community resources assist students in times of crisis or other emotional difficulties. If you are in need of an appointment, contact the office during regular office hours at (828) 328-7252. If you are in crisis and unable to reach the campus counselor, (depending on the campus site) contact Catawba County Mental Health’s Mobile Crisis Unit at (877)327-2593, Smokey Mountain Center in Asheville at (800) 849-6127, or United Way 211 in Columbia at (866) 892-9211.

All counseling services are confidential. State laws and professional ethical codes dictate that the information discussed during the counseling session will be strictly confidential, if you are 18 years of age or older. The counseling records are not kept as part of your academic or administrative records. Furthermore, the fact that you have used our services, and the information that you share in counseling will not be disclosed to university officials, faculty, staff, parents, outside agencies, or anyone else without your written permission.

Residence Life

With a commitment to the total development of its students, Lenoir-Rhyne University provides a structured, growth-directed, and community-oriented residential housing program. Emphasizing personal maturity and development in a much valued group living environment, the Residence Life program complements the academic experience of the undergraduate student.

Each residence area is supervised by a highly qualified staff of professionals and paraprofessionals. Residence area staff assists students through promoting student involvement in campus issues, personal crisis intervention and counseling, event planning, and acting as a general campus resource.

There are several living options for undergraduate students in Hickory. First-year students have the opportunity to live in a traditional residential hall to take full advantage of the shared first-year experience. Upper-class students choose their own housing assignments based on class seniority and space availability. Both traditional residence halls and the suite- style rooms and apartments, are available on campus. Basic furniture is provided by the University, with provisions for individual room personalization and decorating.

Graduate students in Hickory are currently housed in one of two apartment complexes adjoining campus. Housing is also available for students in Columbia, SC. Space in these apartments is limited and are on a first come-first served basis.

Student housing at Lenoir-Rhyne University is more than allotting space and providing the basic living environment. It is a valuable out-of-class experience which is essential to the total development of the student.

Lenoir-Rhyne University offers residence hall rooms that are accessible both to deaf and hard-of-hearing students as well as students with physical disabilities. For more information, please contact the Residence Life office.

Residence Requirement

Lenoir-Rhyne University requires all full-time first, second, and third year undergraduate students to live in campus housing unless they are:

  • 22 years of age or older
  • Living with parents/legal guardians within 25 miles of the campus (proof of residency required)
  • Married
  • Independent of all parental financial support for tax purposes
  • Parents

Lenoir-Rhyne reserves the right to require any student not meeting at least one of the above criteria to live in campus housing. All students residing on campus are required to purchase a board plan.

University Publications

Lenoir-Rhyne has a variety of official publications. For the students on the Hickory campus there are two official publications which contain the conditions and terms to which students agree when they enroll. These are the General Catalog and The Cub, the student handbook. All students can access the publications on the University website at www.lr.edu. The General Catalog contains academic information. The Cub Handbook contains guidelines for campus citizenship and gives important information concerning campus resources and activities. Other special publications are developed by various groups and provide information specifically related to the activities of these groups. New commuter students should pick up a copy of The Activities Calendar from the Student Life Office in The Cromer Center. All students can access The Cub Handbook on the Lenoir-Rhyne website at http://www.lr.edu/student-life/student-handbook.

Vehicles - Hickory Campus

All students, faculty, and staff of the University who operate a motor vehicle on the campus are required to register the vehicle with the Security Office. Parking an unregistered vehicle on campus will result in a $50 fine. All motor vehicles parked on Lenoir-Rhyne property must be kept in working condition. Disabled vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. The Security Staff publishes a brochure that outlines the regulations pertaining to use of vehicles on campus. This information is also on Lenoir-Rhyne’s website, http://www.lr.edu/student-life/vehicle-registration-parking.

Students may also keep bicycles on campus as long as they are properly registered and stored in appropriate areas. There is a fee for registering automobiles and motorcycles; however, bicycles and mopeds are free to register.

Worship Services and Devotional Life

Given Lenoir-Rhyne’s connection with the ELCA and because the importance of supporting the spiritual development of students, Lenoir-Rhyne offers weekly worship services on the Hickory and Columbia campuses.

Six worship services are held regularly each week on the Hickory Campus: Wednesday chapel at 10 a.m. in Grace Chapel, and the daily celebration of the Eucharist (Holy Communion), Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. in Koinonia House. A Bible study, led by the University Pastor, is offered Thursday evenings at 10 p.m. Additional devotional, faith-sharing and Bible study opportunities are offered by religious organizations and the University’s Pastor’s office.

The Meditation Chapel in the Cromer Center lobby is open for personal prayer and meditation during regular Cromer Center hours. The Chapel of St. Monica, in Koinonia House, is open throughout the day and evening for prayer and meditation. Additionally, the University Pastor’s Office provides information regarding worship opportunities in Hickory area congregations.

The Columbia Campus and LTSS have Chapel Services that are held daily when the seminary is in session. Specifically, a daily worship begins at 11:30 AM (Eucharist on Wednesdays) and 7:00 PM evening Eucharists are scheduled periodically during the year. Please see the Chapel calendar for more information.

Writing Center

The Writing Center in Hickory fosters the development of writing and critical thinking by providing trained, supportive readers and listeners for students’ ideas. Peer or faculty consultants work one-on-one with student writers on a wide range of areas, such as helping them understand a written assignment, develop and organize their ideas, revise for wordiness or appropriate voice or style, improve their ability to edit, or address a professor’s written feedback.

The Writing Center is located on the second floor of the Rudisill Library in Hickory in the Lohr Learning Commons. Students may sign up for an appointment (strongly encouraged) or walk in if a consultant is available. More information and an updated schedule are available on the Center’s web page: http://www.lr.edu/student-life/lohr-learning-commons.